set piclist to {} set datlist to {} global missed set missed to {} global dat, datlist, fileID global textFile, available set SourceFile to (choose file with prompt "Choose any quark document file...") set textFile to (choose file with prompt "Choose text file ...") set thepath to choose folder with prompt "Select folder to images in..." tell application "Finder" if (file textFile exists) then set fileID to open for access textFile try set myfilecontents to read textFile on error display dialog "Check the text file..." return end try close access textFile end if end tell tell application "QuarkXPress" try open SourceFile use doc prefs yes remap fonts no do auto picture import no on error display dialog "check the file is already opened..." return end try tell document 1 set pb to count of images set the Tmppara_list to every paragraph of myfilecontents repeat with i from 1 to count of paragraph of myfilecontents set Tmpln to i set Tmp_p1 to paragraph i of myfilecontents set TmpTextpara to Tmp_p1 set prevTIDs to text item delimiters of AppleScript set text item delimiters of AppleScript to tab --set subject to text items of "A B" set subject to text items of TmpTextpara set srcImg to item 1 of subject set desImg to item 2 of subject set text item delimiters of AppleScript to prevTIDs --end repeat set available to false repeat with i from 1 to count of images tell image i set ImageBox to object reference of picture box 1 -- Copy writable properties set Img_file_path to (file path) as text if (Img_file_path ? "null" and Img_file_path ? "no disk file") then set theImageName to my NameFromPath(Img_file_path) if (theImageName ? "null" and theImageName ? "no disk file") then if theImageName = srcImg then set available to true if not missing then set Img_angle to angle set Img_color to color set Img_greek_pictures to greek pictures set Img_image_trap to image trap set Img_invert_runaround to invert runaround --set Img_model to model set Img_name to name --set Img_negative to negative set Img_offset to offset set Img_scale to scale set Img_screen to screen set Img_screen_angle to screen angle set Img_screen_frequency to screen frequency set Img_screen_function to screen function set Img_shade to shade set Img_show_half_tone to show half tone set Img_skew to skew set Img_suppress_printing to suppress printing set Img_file_path to (file path) as text tell application "Finder" try set the datlist to files of thepath end try repeat with dat in datlist set fname to name of dat as string if fname = srcImg then set name of dat to desImg exit repeat end if end repeat end tell -- Get new image path set Img_file_path to (file path) as text set Img_file_path to my FindReplace(srcImg, desImg, Img_file_path) -- Re-import picture try set image 1 of ImageBox to file Img_file_path -- Re-set image properties tell image 1 of ImageBox set angle to Img_angle set color to name of Img_color set greek pictures to Img_greek_pictures set image trap to Img_image_trap set invert runaround to Img_invert_runaround --set model to Img_model set name to Img_name --set negative to Img_negative set offset to Img_offset set scale to Img_scale set screen to Img_screen set screen angle to Img_screen_angle try set screen frequency to Img_screen_frequency end try set screen function to Img_screen_function set shade to Img_shade set show half tone to Img_show_half_tone set skew to Img_skew set suppress printing to Img_suppress_printing end tell end try end if --else --available = false end if end if end if end tell end repeat if available = false then --display dialog srcImg set missed to missed & srcImg & return end if end repeat end tell save document 1 --copy (choose file name default name "missed" & ".txt") as string to dataFile set SourceFile to SourceFile as string set dataFile to my FindReplace(".qxd", ".txt", SourceFile) try open for access file (dataFile) with write permission set eof of file (dataFile) to 0 write item 1 of missed to file (dataFile) starting at 0 repeat with i from 2 to length of missed try write item i of missed to file (dataFile) end try end repeat close access file (dataFile) on error errtext number errNum close access file (dataFile) tell application "QuarkXPress" activate -- display dialog errtext display dialog "No missed files..." end tell end try display dialog "completed" return end tell on FindReplace(FindWhat, ReplaceBy, ThisString) copy the text item delimiters to OldDelims set the text item delimiters to {FindWhat} set TempList to every text item of ThisString set the text item delimiters to {ReplaceBy} set NewString to TempList as text set the text item delimiters to OldDelims return NewString end FindReplace on NameFromPath(theImagePath) set theOffset to the offset of ":" in (the reverse of every character of theImagePath) as string set theImageName to (characters -(theOffset - 1) thru -1 of theImagePath) as string return theImageName end NameFromPath