API Docs for: 0.1.0

File: cangaja/control/emitter.js

                         * @description
                         * CG.Emitter that handles . . . particles.
                         var e = new CG.Emitter({
                           position: new CG.Point(100,100)
                         * @class CG.Emitter
                         * @extends CG.Entity
                         * @param {point} position of emitter
                        CG.Entity.extend('Emitter', {
                             * @method init
                             * Options:
                             * position {CG.Point}
                             * @constructor
                             * @param position {CG.Point}
                             * @return {*}
                            init: function (options) {
                                CG._extend(this, {
                                     * @property particle
                                     * @type {Array}
                                    particles: [],     //Particle pool delegated by emitter
                                     * @property maxparticles
                                     * @type {Number}
                                    maxparticles: 50,
                                     * @property creationtime
                                     * @type {Number}
                                    creationtime: 100, //time when next particle would be generated/reanimated
                                     * @property currenttime
                                     * @type {Number}
                                    currenttime: 0,    //current counter
                                     * @property creationspeed
                                     * @type {Number}
                                    creationspeed: 50, //increase for currenttime
                                     * @property gravity
                                     * @type {Number}
                                    gravity: 0.05,
                                     * @property image
                                     * @type {null}
                                    image: null,       //Image of the particle
                                     * @property type
                                     * @type {String}
                                    type: '',          //point, corona, plate
                                     * @property position
                                     * @type {CG.Point}
                                    position: {x: 0, y: 0, _x: 0, _y: 0},
                                     * @property rotation
                                     * @type {Number}
                                    rotation: 0,       //rotation of plate emitter
                                     * @property width
                                     * @type {Number}
                                    width: 200,        //width of line and rectangle emitter
                                     * @property height
                                     * @type {Number}
                                    height: 200,       //width of rectangle emitter
                                     * @property radius
                                     * @type {Number}
                                    radius: 0,         //radius for corona emitter
                                     * @property pspeed
                                     * @type {Number}
                                    pspeed: 10,        //particle speed
                                     * @property protation
                                     * @type {Number}
                                    protation: 0,
                                     * @property pdirection
                                     * @type {Number}
                                    pdirection: 0,     //particle direction UP, DOWN, CG.LEFT, RIGHT
                                     * @property plifetime
                                     * @type {Number}
                                    plifetime: 100,    //particle lifetime
                                     * @property paging
                                     * @type {Number}
                                    paging: 1,         //particle aging
                                     * @property pfadeout
                                     * @type {Boolean}
                                    pfadeout: false   //particle fadeout
                                if (options) {
                                    CG._extend(this, options)
                                    this.position._x = this.position.x
                                    this.position._y = this.position.y
                                return this
                             * Objective-C style initialisation of all emitter types
                             * @method initAsPoint
                             * @param {mixed} image path, image or atlasimage to use for the particle
                            initAsPoint: function (image) {
                                this.image = image
                                this.type = 'point'
                                return this
                             * @method initAsExplosion
                             * @param {mixed} image path, image or atlasimage to use for the particle
                             * @param {Number} min value for particle speed
                             * @param {Number} max value for particle speed
                            initAsExplosion: function (image, min, max) {
                                this.image = image
                                this.type = 'explosion'
                                this.min = min
                                this.max = max
                                return this
                             * @method initAsCorona
                             * @param {mixed} image path, image or atlasimage to use for the particle
                             * @param {Number} radius of the corona emitter
                            initAsCorona: function (image, radius) {
                                this.image = image
                                this.type = 'corona'
                                this.radius = radius || 0
                                return this
                             * @method initAsLine
                             * @param {mixed} image path, image or atlasimage to use for the particle
                             * @param {Number} width of the plate emitter
                             * @param {Number} direction (defined constants) of the plate emitter
                            initAsLine: function (image, width, direction) {
                                this.image = image
                                this.width = width || 200
                                this.pdirection = direction || CG.UP
                                this.type = 'line'
                                return this
                             * @method initAsRectangle
                             * @param {mixed} image path, image or atlasimage to use for the particle
                             * @param {Number} width of the plate emitter
                             * @param {Number} height (defined constants) of the plate emitter
                            initAsRectangle: function (image, width, height) {
                                this.image = image
                                this.width = width || 200
                                this.height = height || 200
                                this.type = 'rectangle'
                                return this
                             * @method createParticle
                             * @return {*}
                            createParticle: function () {
                                particle = new CG.Particle({image: this.image})
                                return particle
                             * @method initParticle
                             * @param {particle} particle particle object
                            initParticle: function (particle) {
                                if (this.pfadeout) {
                                    particle.fadeout = true
                                particle.gravity = this.gravity     //set particle gravity to emitter gravity
                                particle.alpha = 1                  //set alpha back to 1
                                particle.visible = true             //make particle visible again
                                particle.lifetime = this.plifetime  //reset lifetime
                                particle.currtime = this.plifetime
                                particle.rotationspeed = this.protation
                                switch (this.type) {
                                    case 'corona':
                                        var rad = this.getRandom(0, 359) * CG.Const_PI_180
                                        particle.position.x = this.getX() - (this.radius * Math.cos(rad))
                                        particle.position.y = this.getY() - (this.radius * Math.sin(rad))
                                        angl = Math.atan2(particle.position.x - this.getX(), particle.position.y - this.getY()) * CG.Const_180_PI
                                        particle.xspeed = this.pspeed * Math.sin(angl * CG.Const_PI_180)
                                        particle.yspeed = this.pspeed * Math.cos(angl * CG.Const_PI_180)
                                    case 'rectangle':
                                        //random value in rectangle
                                        rndx = this.getRandom(this.width / 2 * -1, this.width / 2)
                                        rndy = this.getRandom(this.height / 2 * -1, this.height / 2)
                                        particle.position.x = this.position._x - rndx
                                        particle.position.y = this.position._y - rndy
                                        particle.xspeed = 0
                                        particle.yspeed = 0
                                    case 'line':
                                        //random value on plate line
                                        rnd = this.getRandom(this.width / 2 * -1, this.width / 2)
                                        //handle directions of line emitter
                                        switch (this.pdirection) {
                                            case CG.UP:
                                                particle.xspeed = 0
                                                particle.yspeed = this.pspeed * -1
                                                particle.position.x = rnd + this.getX()
                                                particle.position.y = this.position._y
                                            case CG.DOWN:
                                                particle.xspeed = 0
                                                particle.yspeed = this.pspeed
                                                particle.position.x = rnd + this.getX()
                                                particle.position.y = this.position._y
                                            case CG.LEFT:
                                                particle.xspeed = this.pspeed * -1
                                                particle.yspeed = 0
                                                particle.position.x = this.position._x
                                                particle.position.y = rnd + this.getY()
                                            case CG.RIGHT:
                                                particle.xspeed = this.pspeed
                                                particle.yspeed = 0
                                                particle.position.x = this.position._x
                                                particle.position.y = rnd + this.getY()
                                    case 'explosion':
                                        particle.position.x = this.position._x
                                        particle.position.y = this.position._y
                                        particle.xspeed = this.getRandom(this.min, this.max)
                                        particle.yspeed = this.getRandom(this.min, this.max)
                                    case 'point':
                                        particle.xspeed = 0
                                        particle.yspeed = 0
                                        particle.position.x = this.position._x
                                        particle.position.y = this.position._y
                                return particle
                             * @method update
                            update: function () {
                                if (this.visible) {
                                    this.currenttime += this.creationspeed
                                    //particle lifetime
                                    if (this.currenttime >= this.creationtime) {
                                        this.currenttime = 0
                                        if (this.particles.length < this.maxparticles) {
                                        else {
                                            particle = this.searchInvisibleParticle()   //search inactive particle in 'pool''
                                            this.particles.sort(function (obj1, obj2) {
                                                    return obj1.currtime - obj2.currtime
                                    for (var i = 0, l = this.particles.length; i < l; i++) {
                                    return this
                             * @method draw
                            draw: function () {
                                if (this.visible) {
                                    for (var i = 0, l = this.particles.length; i < l; i++) {
                                    return this
                             * @description Each emitter has its own particle pool to prevent object deletion/creation. This method searches an inactive/invisible particle
                             * @method searchInvisibleParticle
                            searchInvisibleParticle: function () {
                                for (var i = 0, l = this.particles.length; i < l; i++) {
                                    if (this.particles[i].visible == false) {
                                        return this.particles[i]
                                return this
                             * @method setEmitterPosition
                             * @param {CG.Point} position of the emitter
                            setEmitterPosition: function (position) {
                                this.position = position
                                return this
                             * @method  setName
                             * @param {string} name of the object for search with layerobject.getElementByName(name)
                            setName: function (name) {
                                this.name = name
                                return this
                             * @method setCreationTime
                             * @param {Number} creationtime
                            setCreationTime: function (creationtime) {
                                this.creationtime = creationtime
                                return this
                             * @method setMaxParticles
                             * @param {Number} maxparticle
                            setMaxParticles: function (maxparticle) {
                                this.maxparticles = maxparticle
                                return this
                             * @method setGravity
                             * @param {float} gravity for all emitter controlled particles
                            setGravity: function (gravity) {
                                this.gravity = gravity
                                return this
                             * @method setParticleSpeed
                             * @param {Number} speed set the speed of the particles
                            setParticleSpeed: function (speed) {
                                this.pspeed = speed
                                return this
                             * @method setProtation
                             * @param {mixed} rotation set the rotation of the particles
                            setProtation: function (rotation) {
                                this.protation = rotation
                                return this
                             * @method setPLifetime
                             * @param {Number} plifetime set the lifetime of the particles
                            setPLifetime: function (plifetime) {
                                this.plifetime = plifetime
                                return this
                             * @method activateFadeout
                             * @description Activate fadeout of the particles depending on lifetime
                            activateFadeout: function () {
                                this.pfadeout = true
                                return this
                             * @method deactivateFadeout
                             * @description Deactivate fadeout of the particles depending on lifetime
                            deactivateFadeout: function () {
                                this.pfadeout = false
                                return this
                             * @method getRandom
                             * @param {mixed} min value for random number
                             * @param {mixed} max value for random number
                            getRandom: function (min, max) {
                                return Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min >> 0
                             * @method getX
                            getX: function () {
                                return this.position._x
                             * @method getY
                            getY: function () {
                                return this.position._y