API Docs for: 0.1.0

File: cangaja/tilemap/mappoint.js

                         * @description
                         * CG.MapPoint. Support now for name, gid and x/y-position values. No tilemap properties at the moment.
                         var s = new CG.MapPoint({
                           name: '',                            // name of the tile
                           position: new CG.Point(200,200),     // position point
                           mapOffset: new CG.Point(100,100),    // mapoffset reference to the current map position
                           gid: 10                              // gid number of tilemap editor
                         * @class CG.MapPoint
                         * @extends CG.Class
                        CG.Class.extend('MapPoint', {
                             * Options:
                             * name {string}
                             * position {CG.Point}
                             * mapOffset {CG.Point}
                             * gid {Number}
                             * @method init
                             * @constructor
                             * @param options {object}
                             * @return {*}
                            init: function (options) {
                                CG._extend(this, {
                                     * @property gid
                                     * @type {Number}
                                    gid: 0,
                                     * @property name
                                     * @type {*}
                                    name: '',
                                     * @property initPosition
                                     * @type {CG.Point}
                                    initPosition: new CG.Point(0, 0),
                                     * @property position
                                     * @type {CG.Point}
                                    position: new CG.Point(0, 0)
                                    // * @property mapOffset
                                    // * @type {CG.Point}
                                    // */
                                    //mapOffset: new CG.Point(0, 0)
                                CG._extend(this, options)
                                this.initPosition = this.position
                                return this
                            update: function (mapOffset) {
                                this.position.x = this.initPosition.x - mapOffset.x
                                this.position.y = this.initPosition.y - mapOffset.y