API Docs for: 0.1.0

File: cangaja/box2d/b2d-fizzx-loader.js

                         * @description
                         * CG.B2DFizzXLoader
                         * @class CG.B2DFizzXLoader
                         * @extends CG.Class
                         * @deprecated maybe it will removed in the future. FizzX editor development has stopped before it began ;-(
                        CG.Class.extend('B2DFizzXLoader', {
                             * @constructor
                             * @method init
                             * @param json {string}
                             * @param world {CG.B2DWorld}
                             * @param offsetx {Number}
                             * @param offsety {Number}
                            init: function (json, world, offsetx, offsety) {
                                 @property json {string}
                                this.json = JSON.parse(json, function (key, value) {
                                    if (typeof value === "string") {
                                        if (value.match(/^[-+]?\d+$/)) {      //check for integer
                                            return parseInt(value)
                                        } else if (value.match(/^[-+]?\d+\.\d+$/)) {   //check for float
                                            return parseFloat(value)
                                        } else {      //strings
                                            switch (value) {
                                                case "true":
                                                    return true
                                                case "false":
                                                    return false
                                                case "null":
                                                    return null
                                    return value
                                 @property world {CG.B2DWorld}
                                this.world = world
                                 @property offsetx {Number}
                                this.offsetx = offsetx
                                 @property offsety {Number}
                                this.offsety = offsety
                                this.bodiesMap = []
                                this.jointsMap = []
                                this.imageMap = []
                                this.atlasMap = []
                             * @description
                             * @method loadBodies
                            loadBodies: function () {
                                console.log('### start bodies')
                                for (var b = 0, lb = this.json.box2d.bodies.body.length; b < lb; b++) {
                                    var body = this.json.box2d.bodies.body[b]
                                    console.log('body:', body.name, 'image:', body.image, body)
                                    var fixtures = body.fixtures.fixture
                                    console.log('-- fixtures', fixtures.length)
                                    for (var f = 0, fl = fixtures.length; f < fl; f++) {
                                        console.log('--- fixture #' + (f + 1), fixtures[f])
                             * @description is this method needed? use MediaAsset loader instead or extend MediaAsset with in game "preloading"?
                             * @method loadImages
                            loadImages: function () {
                                console.log('### start images')
                                for (var i = 0, li = this.json.box2d.images.image.length; i < li; i++) {
                                    var image = this.json.box2d.images.image[i]
                                    console.log('-- image #' + ( i + 1 ), image)
                             * @description
                             * @method loadJoints
                            loadJoints: function () {
                                console.log('### start joints')
                                for (var j = 0, lj = this.json.box2d.joints.joint.length; j < lj; j++) {
                                    var joint = this.json.box2d.joints.joint[j]
                                    console.log('-- joint #' + (j + 1), joint)
                        //Example is using LibGDX with the Artemis Entity System Framework
                        public class FizzXLoader {
                            public float BOX_WORLD_TO = 30f;
                            HashMap bodiesMap;
                            HashMap jointsMap;
                            HashMap imageMap;
                            HashMap atlasMap;
                            public void load(String path, World world, float xOffset, float yOffset) {
                                FileHandle fileHandle = Gdx.files.internal(path);
                                JsonReader reader = new JsonReader();
                                JsonValue map = reader.parse(fileHandle);
                                bodiesMap = new HashMap();
                                jointsMap = new HashMap();
                                imageMap = new HashMap();
                                atlasMap = new HashMap();
                                JsonValue box2dEntry = map.getChild("box2D");
                                for (JsonValue entry = box2dEntry; entry != null; entry = entry.next()) {
                                    if (entry.name.equals("images")) {
                                        JsonValue joints = entry.getChild("image");
                                        for (JsonValue jointJsonValue = joints; jointJsonValue != null; jointJsonValue = jointJsonValue
                                            .next()) {
                                            JsonValue pathJsonValue = jointJsonValue.get("-path");
                                            JsonValue nameJsonValue = jointJsonValue.get("-name");
                                            JsonValue atlasJsonValue = jointJsonValue.get("-atlas");
                                            String atlasString = atlasJsonValue.asString();
                                            if (!atlasString.equals("null")) {
                                                TextureAtlas textureAtlas = new TextureAtlas(
                                                        + atlasJsonValue.asString() + ".txt"));
                                                String[] splitName = pathJsonValue.asString().split(
                                                atlasMap.put(splitName[0], textureAtlas);
                                    else if (entry.name.equals("bodies")) {
                                        JsonValue bodies = entry.getChild("body");
                                        for (JsonValue bodyJsonValue = bodies; bodyJsonValue != null; bodyJsonValue = bodyJsonValue
                                            .next()) {
                                            Float xValue = bodyJsonValue.getFloat("-x");
                                            Float yValue = bodyJsonValue.getFloat("-y");
                                            String typeValue = bodyJsonValue.getString("-type");
                                            boolean bulletValue = bodyJsonValue.getBoolean("-bullet");
                                            String nameValue = bodyJsonValue.getString("-name");
                                            String imagePath = bodyJsonValue.getString("-image");
                                            imageMap.put(nameValue, imagePath);
                                            JsonValue fixturesValue = bodyJsonValue
                                            BodyDef bodyDef = new BodyDef();
                                            bodyDef.bullet = bulletValue;
                                            bodyDef.position.x = xValue / BOX_WORLD_TO + xOffset;
                                            bodyDef.position.y = yValue / BOX_WORLD_TO + yOffset;
                                            if (typeValue.equals("kinematic")) {
                                                bodyDef.type = BodyType.KinematicBody;
                                            } else if (typeValue.equals("static")) {
                                                bodyDef.type = BodyType.StaticBody;
                                            } else if (typeValue.equals("dynamic")) {
                                                bodyDef.type = BodyType.DynamicBody;
                                            Entity entity = world.createEntity();
                                            SpatialComponent component = PhysicsFactory
                                            if (!imagePath.equals("null")) {
                                                String[] splitName = imagePath.split("\\.");
                                                if (atlasMap.containsKey(splitName[0])) {
                                                    TextureComponent textureComponent = new TextureComponent(
                                                            splitName[0]), new Vector2(0, 0));
                                            component.name = nameValue;
                                            bodiesMap.put(nameValue, component.body);
                                            JsonValue fixtureEntry = fixturesValue.child();
                                            for (JsonValue fixture = fixtureEntry; fixture != null; fixture = fixture
                                                .next()) {
                                                String fixtureName = fixture.getString("-name");
                                                String shapeType = fixture.getString("-shapeType");
                                                float friction = fixture.getFloat("-friction");
                                                float restitution = fixture.getFloat("-restitution");
                                                float density = fixture.getFloat("-density");
                                                JsonValue vertexValue = fixture.getChild("vertex");
                                                FixtureDef fixtureDef = new FixtureDef();
                                                fixtureDef.density = density;
                                                fixtureDef.restitution = restitution;
                                                fixtureDef.friction = friction;
                                                Shape shape = null;
                                                if (shapeType.equals("polygonShape")) {
                                                    ArrayList verticesList = new ArrayList();
                                                    JsonValue vertexEntry = vertexValue;
                                                    if (vertexEntry != null) {
                                                        for (JsonValue vertex = vertexEntry; vertex != null; vertex = vertex
                                                            .next()) {
                                                            Float vertexX = vertex.getFloat("-x");
                                                            Float vertexY = vertex.getFloat("-y");
                                                            Vector2 vector2 = new Vector2();
                                                            vector2.x = vertexX / BOX_WORLD_TO;
                                                            vector2.y = vertexY / BOX_WORLD_TO;
                                                    shape = new PolygonShape();
                                                    Vector2[] vertices = new Vector2[verticesList
                                                    vertices = verticesList.toArray(vertices);
                                                    float[] floatVertices = new float[vertices.length * 2];
                                                    ((PolygonShape) shape).set(vertices);
                                                    fixtureDef.isSensor = fixture
                                                } else if (shapeType.equals("edgeShape")) {
                                                    shape = new ChainShape();
                                                    ArrayList verticesList = new ArrayList();
                                                    JsonValue vertexEntry = vertexValue;
                                                    if (vertexEntry != null) {
                                                        for (JsonValue vertex = vertexEntry; vertex != null; vertex = vertex
                                                            .next()) {
                                                            JsonValue vertexX = vertex.get("-x");
                                                            JsonValue vertexY = vertex.get("-y");
                                                            Vector2 vector2 = new Vector2();
                                                            vector2.x = vertexX.asFloat()
                                                                / BOX_WORLD_TO;
                                                            vector2.y = vertexY.asFloat()
                                                                / BOX_WORLD_TO;
                                                    Vector2[] vertices = new Vector2[verticesList
                                                    vertices = verticesList.toArray(vertices);
                                                    ((ChainShape) shape).createChain(vertices);
                                                } else if (shapeType.equals("circleShape")) {
                                                    shape = new CircleShape();
                                                    JsonValue circleRadiusJsonValue = fixture
                                                    ((CircleShape) shape)
                                                        / BOX_WORLD_TO);
                                                    float circleX = fixture.getFloat("-circleX");
                                                    float circleY = fixture.getFloat("-circleY");
                                                    ((CircleShape) shape).setPosition(new Vector2(
                                                        circleX / BOX_WORLD_TO, circleY
                                                            / BOX_WORLD_TO));
                                                    fixtureDef.isSensor = fixture
                                                fixtureDef.shape = shape;
                                                PhysicsFactory.createFixture(fixtureDef, component);
                                    } else if (entry.name.equals("joints")) {
                                        JsonValue joints = entry.getChild("joint");
                                        for (JsonValue jointJsonValue = joints; jointJsonValue != null; jointJsonValue = jointJsonValue
                                            .next()) {
                                            JsonValue nameJsonValue = jointJsonValue.get("-name");
                                            JsonValue typeJsonValue = jointJsonValue.get("-type");
                                            JsonValue collideConnected = jointJsonValue
                                            JsonValue xJsonValue = jointJsonValue.get("-x");
                                            JsonValue yJsonValue = jointJsonValue.get("-y");
                                            JsonValue bodyAJsonValue = jointJsonValue.get("-bodyA");
                                            JsonValue bodyBJsonValue = jointJsonValue.get("-bodyB");
                                            JointDef jointDef = null;
                                            if (typeJsonValue.asString().equals("RevoluteJoint")) {
                                                jointDef = new RevoluteJointDef();
                                                RevoluteJointDef revoluteJointDef = (RevoluteJointDef) jointDef;
                                                Body bodyA = bodiesMap.get(bodyAJsonValue.asString());
                                                Body bodyB = bodiesMap.get(bodyBJsonValue.asString());
                                                JsonValue enableLimit = jointJsonValue
                                                JsonValue lowerAngle = jointJsonValue
                                                JsonValue upperAngle = jointJsonValue
                                                revoluteJointDef.enableLimit = enableLimit.asBoolean();
                                                revoluteJointDef.lowerAngle = lowerAngle.asFloat();
                                                revoluteJointDef.upperAngle = upperAngle.asFloat();
                                                Vector2 anchor = new Vector2(xJsonValue.asFloat()
                                                    / BOX_WORLD_TO, yJsonValue.asFloat()
                                                    / BOX_WORLD_TO);
                                                revoluteJointDef.initialize(bodyA, bodyB, anchor);
                                            } else if (typeJsonValue.asString().equals("WeldJoint")) {
                                                jointDef = new WeldJointDef();
                                                WeldJointDef weldJointDef = (WeldJointDef) jointDef;
                                                Body bodyA = bodiesMap.get(bodyAJsonValue.asString());
                                                Body bodyB = bodiesMap.get(bodyBJsonValue.asString());
                                                Vector2 anchor = new Vector2(xJsonValue.asFloat()
                                                    / BOX_WORLD_TO, yJsonValue.asFloat()
                                                    / BOX_WORLD_TO);
                                                weldJointDef.initialize(bodyA, bodyB, anchor);
                                            jointDef.collideConnected = collideConnected.asBoolean();
                                            Joint joint = PhysicsFactory.createJoint(jointDef);
                                            jointsMap.put(nameJsonValue.asString(), joint);