API Docs for: 0.1.0

File: cangaja/spine/spine-animation.js

                         * @description
                         * CG.SpineAnimation - this class is a little wrapper for spine animations (http://esotericsoftware.com). The implementation is not perfect at the moment
                         * and is on early stages. There is a lot of stuff that could be implemented: boundingbox collision, eventhandling, box2d support
                         * @class CG.SpineAnimation
                         * @extends CG.Entity
                         * TODO
                         * Boundingbox collision see example here:
                         * https://github.com/EsotericSoftware/spine-runtimes/blob/master/spine-libgdx/test/com/esotericsoftware/spine/AnimationStateTest.java
                         * Eventhandler see example here:
                         * https://github.com/EsotericSoftware/spine-runtimes/blob/master/spine-libgdx/test/com/esotericsoftware/spine/SkeletonTest.java
                         * Box2d support see example here:
                         * https://github.com/EsotericSoftware/spine-runtimes/blob/master/spine-libgdx/test/com/esotericsoftware/spine/Box2DExample.java
                         * http://www.esotericsoftware.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1394&p=6691&hilit=skeletonbounds#p6691
                        CG.Entity.extend('SpineAnimation', {
                             * Options:
                             * spinejson {string} Spine json animation file
                             * spineatlas {string} Spine atlas file (libGDX)
                             * position {CG.Point}
                             * scale {number}
                             * callback {function}
                             var sa = new CG.SpineAnimation({
                                   spinejson: this.asset.getJsonByName('spinosaurus-json'),
                                   spineatlas: this.asset.getTextByName('spinosaurus-atlas'),
                                   position: new CG.Point(10,10),
                                   scale: 1,
                                   callback: function (spineObject) {
                        //              spineObject.skeleton.setSkinByName("goblingirl");
                                        spineObject.state.setAnimationByName(0, "animation", true);
                             * @constructor
                             * @method init
                             * @param options {object}
                            init: function (options) {
                                this.instanceOf = 'SpineAnimation'
                                self = this
                                if (options){
                                    CG._extend(this, options)
                                this.lastTime = Date.now()
                                 * @description initial position for the animation. later position changes at the moment with: obj.skeleton.getRootBone().x and obj.skeleton.getRootBone().y. maybe a TODO for a method ;o)
                                 * @property skeletonposition
                                 * @type {CG.Point}
                                this.skeletonposition = this.position || new CG.Point(0, 0)
                                 * @description spine bone xscale
                                 * @property xscale
                                 * @type {Number}
                                this.xscale = 1
                                 * @description spine bone yscale
                                 * @property yscale
                                 * @type {Number}
                                this.yscale = 1
                                 * @property scale
                                 * @type {Number}
                                this.scale = this.scale || 1
                                 * @property vertices
                                 * @type {Array}
                                this.vertices = []
                                 * @description counter for the spine image preloader
                                 * @property textureCount
                                 * @type {Number}
                                this.textureCount = 0
                                 * @description data from generated atlas text file. at the moment only the libGDX Format is supported from the spine-js runtime.
                                 * @property spineAtlasData
                                 * @type {String}
                                if (this.spineatlas.type == 'text') {
                                    this.spineAtlasData = this.spineatlas.data   //text data from mediaasset object
                                    console.log('spine atlas: text (libGDX) used')
                                } else if (this.spineatlas.type == 'json') {
                                    this.spineAtlasData = this.spineatlas.src    //pure json text for spine atlas loader?
                                    console.log('spine atlas: json')
                                    throw 'json format is not supported by spine-js runtime?'
                                } else {
                                    throw 'check your atlas file format?'
                                 * @description spine animation json data loaded and parsed thru MediaAsset.
                                 * @property spineJsonData
                                 * @type {Object}
                                this.spineJsonData = this.spinejson.data
                                 * @description this is used for a callback for custom spine initialization.
                                 * @property initCustom
                                 * @type {Object}
                                this.initCustom = this.callback
                                 * @description this is used for a callback for custom animation configuration.
                                 * @property spineAtlas
                                 * @type {Object}
                                this.spineAtlas = new spine.Atlas(this.spineAtlasData, {
                                    load: function (page, path) {
                                        var image = new Image()
                                        image.onload = function () {
                                            page.rendererObject = image
                                            page.width = image.width
                                            page.height = image.height
                                        image.onerror = function () {
                                            throw "error: atlas image not loaded! " + path
                                        image.src = 'media/spine/' + path
                                    unload: function (texture) {
                             * @method waitForTextures
                            waitForTextures: function () {
                                if (!this.textureCount) {
                                } else {
                                    setTimeout(this.waitForTextures, 100)
                             * @description initialises the animation (skeleton, stateData,. ,.) after preloading and calls the callback for custom animation configuration (.setSkinByName(), .setAnimationByName(),. ,.).
                             * @method initSkeleton
                            initSkeleton: function () {
                                 * @property skeletonJson
                                 * @type {spine.SkeletonJson}
                                this.skeletonJson = new spine.SkeletonJson(new spine.AtlasAttachmentLoader(self.spineAtlas))
                                this.skeletonJson.scale = this.scale    //experimental scale
                                 * @property spineJsonData
                                 * @type {Object}
                                if (typeof this.spineJsonData === 'object') {
                                    this.skeletonData = this.skeletonJson.readSkeletonData(this.spineJsonData)
                                } else {
                                    this.skeletonData = this.skeletonJson.readSkeletonData(JSON.parse(this.spineJsonData))
                                spine.Bone.yDown = true
                                 * @property skeleton
                                 * @type {spine.Skeleton}
                                this.skeleton = new spine.Skeleton(this.skeletonData)
                                this.skeleton.getRootBone().x = this.skeletonposition.x || 0
                                this.skeleton.getRootBone().y = this.skeletonposition.y || 0   //has spine a another origin (bottom left) than the canvas on y axis?
                                 * @property stateData
                                 * @type {spine.AnimationStateData}
                                this.stateData = new spine.AnimationStateData(this.skeletonData)
                                 * @property state
                                 * @type {spine.AnimationState}
                                this.state = new spine.AnimationState(this.stateData)
                                //callback for custom initialization?
                                this.state.onEvent = function (trackIndex, event) {
                                    // alert(trackIndex + " event: " + event.data.name)
                             * @method update
                            update: function () {
                                var dt = (Date.now() - this.lastTime) / 1000
                                this.lastTime = Date.now()
                                this.state.update(dt)    // delta
                             * @description this method loops thru skeleton.drawOrder and renders all attachments of type spine.RegionAttachment.
                             * @method draw
                            draw: function () {
                                var drawOrder = this.skeleton.drawOrder
                                for (var i = 0, n = drawOrder.length; i < n; i++) {
                                    var slot = drawOrder[i]
                                    var attachment = slot.attachment
                                    var bone = slot.bone
                                    use precalculated values of the bones from spine-runtime?
                                     bone Object
                                     data: Object
                                     m00: 1.0074619959561097
                                     m01: 0.29158551292948764
                                     m10: 0.32899671000771835
                                     m11: -0.8929004877919172
                                     parent: Object
                                     rotation: -18.06921126880002
                                     scaleX: 1.0598200358984402
                                     scaleY: 0.9393047388624184
                                     worldRotation: -18.08496285182334
                                     worldScaleX: 1.0598200358984402
                                     worldScaleY: 0.9393047388624184
                                     worldX: 294.80437684378234
                                     worldY: 126.4695789058789
                                     x: 86.82
                                     y: 7.12
                                     __proto__: Object
                                    //this.translate.m = [bone.data.m00, bone.data.m01, bone.data.m10, bone.data.m11, bone.data.x, bone.data.y]
                                    if (!(attachment instanceof spine.RegionAttachment)) continue
                                    attachment.computeVertices(this.skeleton.x, this.skeleton.y, slot.bone, this.vertices)
                                    try {
                                        this.alpha = slot.a //get alphe value from slot
                                        this.position = new CG.Point(this.vertices[2], this.vertices[3])
                                        this.xscale = bone.worldScaleX //* this.scale
                                        this.yscale = bone.worldScaleY //* this.scale
                                        this.rotation = -(bone.worldRotation + attachment.rotation)
                                        this.xoffset = attachment.rendererObject.x
                                        this.yoffset = attachment.rendererObject.y
                                        this.cutwidth = attachment.width
                                        this.cutheight = attachment.height
                                        this.xhandle = this.cutwidth / 2 * this.xscale
                                        this.yhandle = this.cutheight / 2 * this.yscale
                                        this.xpos = 0
                                        this.ypos = 0
                                        if (this.skeleton.flipX) {
                                            this.xscale *= -1
                                            this.xpos = this.cutwidth
                                            this.rotation *= -1
                                        if (this.skeleton.flipY) {
                                            this.yscale *= -1
                                            this.ypos = this.cutheight
                                            this.rotation *= -1
                                        this.imagerotation = 0
                                        this.image = attachment.rendererObject.page.rendererObject
                                        this.width = attachment.rendererObject.page.rendererObject.width
                                        this.height = attachment.rendererObject.page.rendererObject.height
                                    } catch (e) {
                        //                console.log(e)
                        //                console.log(attachment)
                             * @method updateDiff
                            updateDiff: function () {