Monkey: particle class

Import mojo

Class Particle
    Global ParticleList:List<particle> = New List<particle>
    Field x:Float,y:Float,a:Float = 1,r:Int
    Field ox:Int,oy:Int
    Field img:Image
    Field dx:Float,dy:Float, da:Float
    Field maxdistance:Int
    Field speed:Float
    Field dir:Int
    Field fade:Int
    Field z:Int

    Method Create:Particle(_x:Int, _y:Int, _img:Image, _dir:Int = 0, _speed:Float = 0, frames:Int = 1, _fade:Int = False, _autorot:Int = False, _z:Int = 0)
        z = _z
        x = _x
        y = _y
        ox = _x
        oy = _y
        img = _img
        speed = _speed
        dir = _dir
        dx = Sin(dir) * speed
        dy = -Cos(dir) * speed
        da = 1.0 / frames
        maxdistance = frames
        If dir And _autorot
            r = -dir - 180
        End If

        If _fade
            fade = True
        End If
    End Method

    Method Update()
        If fade a-=da

        If maxdistance <= 0 Or a <= 0
        End If

        If x > VDeviceWidth() Or x < 0 - img.Width Or y > VDeviceHeight() Or y < 0 - img.Height
        End If
    End Method
    Method Draw()
        SetAlpha a
        DrawImage img,x,y,r,1,1
        SetAlpha 1
    End Method

    Method SetPAlpha(alpha:Float)
        a = alpha
    End Method

    Method SetPRotation(rot:Int)
        r = rot
    End Method

    Method Destroy()
    End Method

    Method AddX(_x:Int)
        x+= _x
    End Method

    Method AddY(_y:Int)
        y+= _y
    End Method

    Method SetDirection(_dir:Int)
        dir = _dir
    End Method

    Method SetSpeed(_speed:Float)
        speed = _speed
    End Method


Function ParticleExplosion(_x:Float, _y:Float, image:Image, n:Int, frames:Int, speed_multiplyer:Float = 0, ar:Int = False, _z:Int = 0)
    Local speed:Float

    For Local i:Int = 1 To n
        Local dir:Int = Rnd(0, 359)

        If speed_multiplyer
            speed = Rnd(0.08*speed_multiplyer, 1.5*speed_multiplyer)
            speed = Rnd(0.08, 1.5)
        End If

        Local part:Particle = New Particle()
        part.Create(_x, _y, image, dir, speed, frames - 10 + Rnd((frames*1.40)), True, ar, _z)

End Function

Function EmitParticle(_x:Float, _y:Float, image:Image, frames:Int, fade:Int = True, dir:Int = 0, speed:Float = 0, ar:Int = False, _z:Int = 0)

    Local part:Particle = New Particle()
    part.Create(_x, _y, image, dir, speed, frames, fade, ar, _z)

End Function

Function ParticleCount:Int()
    Return Particle.ParticleList.Count()
End Function

Function ClearParticles()
End Function

Function ClearParticlesZ(z:Int = 0)
    For Local delp:Particle = Eachin Particle.ParticleList
        If delp.z = z
        End If
End Function

Function UpdateParticlesZ(z:Int = 0, forcex:Float = 0, forcey:Float = 0)   
    For Local UpdateP:Particle = Eachin Particle.ParticleList
        If UpdateP.z = z
            If forcex UpdateP.x+=forcex
            If forcey UpdateP.y+=forcey
        End If
End Function
Function DrawParticlesZ(z:Int = 0) 
    For Local UpdateP:Particle = Eachin Particle.ParticleList
        If UpdateP.z = z
        End If
End Function