(* qxp_picturebox_01.applescript Creates a new picture box Properties are for example. It seems that not all properties are set properly when a new picture box is generated. Setting of image 1 of an picture box is some times a little bit buggy? *) tell application "QuarkXPress Passport" tell document 1 make new picture box at end with properties {class:picture box, name:"m_bilder_TEST", content:picture content, box type:picture box type, box shape:rounded corner, bounds:{"0 mm", "48 mm", "112,818 mm", "188 mm"}, storage:"", blend:{style:solid blend}, frame:{style:sparsely dashed line, inside trap:default, outside trap:default, gap color:null, gap opacity:"0%", gap shade:"0%", width:"3 pt", color:color spec "Schwarz"}, text outset:{"0 pt", "0 pt", "6 pt", "0 pt"}, corner radius:"10 mm", shade:"20%", runaround:item runaround, color:color spec "Schwarz"} -- Fixing some stuff set properties of last generic box to {corner radius:"10 mm", bounds:{"0 mm", "48 mm", "112,818 mm", "188 mm"}} -- Image file path & Image Properties try set image 1 of last generic box to file ("BootHD:Users:csg:Desktop:export_preissuchmaschine.png") -- another way to set image 1 --set image 1 of last generic box to ("BootHD:Users:csg:Desktop:export_preissuchmaschine.png" as alias) set properties of image 1 of last generic box to {actual bounds:{"-51,279 mm", "-38,459 mm", "268,111 mm", "274,461 mm"}, screen function:dot spot, offset:{"-38,459 mm", "-51,279 mm"}, scale:{"100%", "100%"}, invert runaround:false, show half tone:false, color:color spec "Schwarz"} end try end tell end tell